The problem was simple.
A cable connection from the starter was just rusted off and had to be replaced. Easy fix and so
we where out of Ankara in the early afternoon.
Our plan: ride all the way to Istanbul today - the roads are good but its still around 400 km
from the capital to the cultural capital of turkey.
It was already dark when we arrived at the city limits... And there lay in front of us -
Famous istanbul - the 15 million people metropolitan which lies on the border of asia and europe - a huge vibrant city on two continents
It was a glorious feeling when we crossed the Bosporus bridge and with it left Asia and entered
Europe. After 16000 km and 100 days we have crossed the whole Asian continent overland - what an adventure!
Hello Istanbul!
Write a comment
simon (Friday, 14 November 2014 16:40)
Wow fast da....
simon (Friday, 14 November 2014 16:54)
Hey wg. Den instagram-bildern... ich war lustigerweise auch am 11.11. In interstellar und ich glaub den Gladiator-typ hab ich im August auch gesehen als wir in Rom waren... der hat noch was zur Germaine gesagt... kann nat. Auch sein zwilling gewesen sein... kommt ihr in den nächsten tagen an oder ? Gute Heilkunst, Gruß bis dann